Don't Do Drugs! Here take this.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts": Dr. Gabor Maté, Physician at Vancouver Safe-Injection Site, on the Biological and Socio-Economic Roots of Addiction

"In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts": Dr. Gabor Maté, Physician at Vancouver Safe-Injection Site, on the Biological and Socio-Economic Roots of Addiction and ADD

1 comment:

  1. My children were drugged. My oldest WAS HEAVILY DRUGGED. That's what CPS must do when redistributing our children, and that's because our children know that what is happening IS WRONG. They just want to go home, to good homes, but drugging must be administered during the act of stealing children.

    With the destruction of nuclear families we are raising children in 'unbearable' conditions, who turn to further drug use. Childhood trauma lasts a lifetime. The short term and the long term solutions must include ending the destruction of families, and restoring wholesomeness to families. Research has shown the over-criminalizing of large populaces is a crippling, not rehabilitative, correction for societies.

    The satiable need of the infant who is not soothed (you know, like the foster babies with EXTREME diaper rash, from sitting in their own feces far too long, thus burning their tender skin), yes the satiable need of the infant who is not soo...thed, their brains WILL develop self-soothing strategies. ADD, like addiction, IS NOT GENETIC, and is not a disease, but factors of brain development; how does an infant deal with excessive stress? They tune it out; then THAT becomes the circuit the brain develops, THAT becomes how that individual learns to deal with stress.

    Stress is what drives addiction (Thank God someone has finally said it) and entrenches addiction deeply.

    Developing synopsis (the development of brain circuits) later on in life is still possible (neuroplasticity); however, we have not provided avenues for this occur. Our society is experiencing far more stress and this is not the avenue for better synopsis development.

    “If we look at the preponderance of ADD in North America now, and the 3 million kids in the states who are are on stimulant medication, and the ½ a million who are on anti-psychotics, what they are really exhibiting is the effects of extreme stress, from the increasing stress of parenting, not bad parenting, but extreme stressed parenting b/c of social and economic conditions. That’s what set up the preponderance.” -Dr. Gabor Maté on self soothing strategies.

    If you think, your corrupt judges are doing you a favor, or if you think the devastation of our families will not affect you, then you underestimate the devastation of the family will have on the society, your society. If you want your own family to be safe in your own home, then you need to care about your neighbor.

    It’s not about how to regulate and control symptoms, it is about how to promote development and that has to do with providing children with the kind of nurturing environment they need. There is plenty of evidence staring us all in the face that foster/adoptive care in not the answer. Foster/adoptive care abuses far exceed those than abuses within the nuclear family. The public needs to recognize our government’s destruction of the family nucleus as the for-profit mechanism that it is. They need to demand that our children be returned to us. They need to rebuild caring communities that keep the reigns of control close, and they need to ensure wholesome care reaches out to all of their own. This will aid in the nurturing of our society.
